.:: Create Fully Invisible Name Account Easily::.

Heyy Guyzz..

Today Im Telling You tht how can you create fully invisible name id on facebook.. With this trick you can create it either on firefox or Uc browser..

Steps to Make nameless or Invisible Facebook Profile name:

1) First of all open Mozilla Firefox

2) Click on Tools >> Options >> Advanced >> Settings….

3) Now click on Manual proxy Configuration >> HTTP Proxy

4) Paste or in HTTP Proxy

5) Paste 8080 in Port.

6) Click OK and OK

7) Now open your Facebook account >> Account Setting

8) Scroll down and change the language from English (US) to Bahasa Indonesia

9) Change your name to RﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞM you need to copy this code from here and paste it.

10) Now Remove the Letter R and M then enter your password and click to Save.

Note:- If You are Mobile User Then Open Uc Browser >> Settings>>network.. Then Enable Proxy server and type this proxy nd port there

If Any problem then Comment Here. Im Always Here To Help you..